July 23, 2022

Juno Donations




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This post is a tragedy and a love story:

Meet Juno - her arrival into the world was not a bed of roses - she was born and living outside through a horrific winter of sub zero temperatures - Living outdoor in complete filth - her and her siblings came into rescue so dirty many had sores all over their bodies. Lots of TLC and good care they thrived and went to loving forever homes. Little Juno's bad journey was not yet over sadly - in June the vets discovered some very serious issues in her hips - so serious that hip replacement was not even an option - so this precious angel not even 6 months old had to endure an amputation.

Juno’s bills to date (only a month post amputation at this point) is already in excess of $2,000.

I am asking whatever you might be willing to give that we can donate to this family to help ensure Juno can get all the care she needs and deserves!

Once you donate we will add you to the Save Juno link just first name last initial and once sent to family that will be updated as well so everyone has full details on this mission to save Juno!